I will share God’s story through my life, wherever He gives me the opportunity to do so.
Too many times in life when we go through difficult times we want them to speed by so we can get on with our lives. However I learned, through a trial in my life, that God will use our trials no matter where we are or what we’re going though.
During the darkest point in my life, being charged with second degree murder, I turned to God for answers. Thankfully, after spending three months in jail, God gave me those answers and instead of that time being wasted, He used that time to transform me into the man that I am suppose to be in Him. James 1:2-4 was a verse that I lived by through my time in prison. It reads; Consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds because the testing of your faith develops perseverance and perseverance once finishing its work makes you mature and complete lacking nothing.